We are Speciality store for Traditional Japanese jackets known as “HANTEN”.
We are Speciality store for Traditional Japanese jackets known as “HANTEN”.
This type of jacket was originally created about 400 years ago during the Edo period, known as the age of the Samurai. It was mainly worn as a uniform by workers such as firemen, builders, and traders.
This clothing style has gradually disappeared from daily life and is now rarely seen on the street.
Recently, Hanten has been increasingly worn as lounge wear or as a costume for festivals.
However, 2016 will see the rebirth of the Hanten as an everyday fashion item.We have modernised the design to make it more fashionable in everyday life.This is the “NIBAN HANTEN” (Hanten 2.0)
I’m specified inner Design. The reason can be found in the history of Japan. About 400 years ago , The government had issued sumptuary regulation to the common people.
Because of this almost all common people would create extravagant design on the insides of their clothes. They did this so that when they go to parties they can turned their clothes inside out to stand out. But even after this regulation had been with drawn , this style has
continued. Because It’s cool style for them.